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Sunday, 1 March 2015

Sixth Form/College Essentials

So I guess you all know by now that I attend a sixth form in North Wales amongst many other pupils. Sixth form is very different to secondary school even though you may be in the same place, you are expected to think for yourself and provide yourself with textbooks for each subject, paper and files! Some of you may know this and also attend a sixth form or a college or could be on the path to attend either in September, therefore I thought I would write a short post on the essentials!

Pencil Case, Pens and Pencils:
I got myself a flash Cath Kidston pencil case and matching glasses case for sixth form because I just couldn't resist! It is always best to have plenty of black biros (I always go for trusty BIC biros), pencils are handy to jot down notes on a homework sheet and a few red and green biros too for underlining and marking certain points! Highliters are an absolute must in sixth form/college because it is always easiest and always best to highlight the most important parts on worksheets and in textsbooks so they stand out to you when you're revising. Tip-ex, a rubber, sharpener and a ruler are always needed in your pencil case too! I remember things best in different colours so all of my books are filled with coloured markings, if this works for you too then I would advise you to get some Staedtler triplus fineliners, these are my favourite essential.

Books, Files and a Diary:
Although I tend to use the school computers and my iPad for coursework and extra notes, books filled with plain lined paper are the best for keeping class notes organised and tidy. A few of my friends use one book for all classes but I tend to use a seperate book for each class as I find it much easier to organise my work this way; but it's entirely down to what you think works best for you! Files are always needed in order to keep all the sheets given from your teachers tidily, dividers are also handy so you know what work is where and to make sure each unit for each class is complete and in order which makes it much easier for when you come to revise (I also have a different file for each class to keep them completely seperate). Sticky notes are best used in textbooks so you can find what you feel yu need to go over most importantly or to know where you're at in that class. A diary is extremely important (although I use an app on my iPad) to keep organised and on top of your coursework/homework deadlines for each subject so you do not fall behind and end up in a panic, because all of the work in sixth form can easily pile up and weigh you down it is always best to get work done  soon as possible!

The main little gadget needed for sixth form/college is a USB stick (memory stick, floppy disk... whatever you wanna call it!) because you are always needing to carry work back and forth to different computers around the school or back home, but as I do all of my work on my iPad, I use Microsoft OneDrive which is where I upload all of my work onto my account in order to be able to do it on either Word, PowerPoint or Exel on my iPad or on a school computer. A calculator is also very handy- depending on what subjects you have taken!

Food and Drink:
You may think that free lessons mean you can chill and have nothing to do, but 99.9% of the time there is work you need to complete such as coursework or anything, you name it... free lessons are definitely not the time to chill! Sixth form/college is tiring and it is imporstant to keep your enerjy levels high, fruit such as apples, grapes, tangerines or bananas are best to keep the energy levels high as are chocolate bars such as Mars bars, but it is always best to stay healthy! Water is also the best thing for hydrating during doing a lot of work in one space for a while so I make sure I have a bottle of water on me at all times.

If you're wondering, these are the subjects I took in sixth form:
English Literature
Applied Business Studies
(I should have taken 4 subjects, but as I changed schools for sixth form last minute I had to do some catching up therefore there was no time for me to take up another subject... Oops!)

Let me know what specific items you feel you need when going to sixth form/college :-)

                                                   Love, Ceri Xx

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