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Saturday, 21 March 2015

I live on public buses!

I spend up to 2 hours of every week day on public buses getting to and from school as I can't take the school bus all the time, and even if I do get the school bus I have to travel 9 miles on a public bus to get to the school pick up point! As we all know there are all sorts of types of people to find on public transport, so here are a few of the types of people on public buses.

The angry
Now these people are the stressheads. Fair enough if the bus is late and they need to make a connection at the next connecting depot, that has happened to me before. But these are the people who get angry at the driver for no particular reason and give dirty looks to any other passanger who stops the bus to get off it. Getting angry is no solution, if the bus is late it is late, it can not go any faster on the little country roads and through the small villages and from my experiences the drivers are already stressed if they are late because they know it is their duty to keep on time!

The old (60+ with a bus pass)
Recently I have seen many old people who drive to the bus stop, park and get on the bus to go to where they want for free. Okay that is fair enough but certain old women have a look of snobbery on their faces when they see teens have to pay for a ticket. When the bus is near to full and a few old people come onto the bus, some who are able and some who are not, we (as the younger generation) should move further up the bus or stand, I completely respect this but I do not feel keen to move from my seat for an old person who looks down on me in disgust and expects me to move without being polite about it (no please or thank you). I feel some old people take advantage of their age and think they can lose all their manners! 

The loud
Now these people can range from having a loud conversation, eating/drinking loudly or having their music playing out loud. The loud conversations can be rather entertaining some times but on most occaisions they are plain annoying. Eating or drinking loudly is a pet hate of mine and it totally goes through me and as for the lad at the back of the bus who plays his stupid 2010 rap music out loud... You're not cool. 

The tired
These people are the funniest to watch, you will see them have a snooze and then suddenly sit up straight all wide-eyed each time the bus stops to see if it is their stop. I personally have a giggle at these people to my self each time I see one, but this is very rare!

The fidgety
These are the people I would gladly pin down and tell to sit still. Why can you not just sit still? They will wriggle like a worm from one sitting position to another every 10 seconds... Cross legged, straight, side ways, coat off, coat used as a head rest, coat on etc., these people distract me, catch my eye and get on my nerves throughout the journey!

The tourists
As I live in the North of Wales, toursits from outside of Wales find it hard to pronounce the names of the towns and villages around the area, so mainly during the easter and summer holidays me and my friends have a right laugh at the tourists trying to pronounce the name of the town they are heading to to the bus driver... Sometimes, they don't even know where they are heading and try to explain a certain pub or hotel to the driver as their destination!

The creepy
This guy is the one who watches you go to your seat in a weird mannor and then every time you look he's looking at you. I'm sure this happens to every teenage girl? No matter where you are or what you're wearing there's always one creepy man. 

The regulars
People like me, the ones who are on the same bus at the same time of that day each week (every other week in my case because of my school timetable). So I pretty much see the same people each time I get on the bus, I wonder the same things each time such as what have they been doing and how has their day been? 

Let me know if you get these types of people wherever you live! 

                                          Love, Ceri Xx

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